Saturday, September 10, 2016

Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of the electrical fire. Please continue to share the links.

I'm too beat to hunt down any new photos tonight. I'm not sure here's enough sleep in the world for me to catch up. I know there aren't enough hours in the world for me to get caught up on everything I need to do during the day.

So this is just a basic share request: for our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, particularly by way of the widget code in the purple box at the lower right that produces the image above; and of Wings's site, to try to boost sales. 

Tomorrow is a bad day for a lot of people. For us, it's an anniversary unrelated to the one everyone else will be marking: One year ago tomorrow was the day of the electrical fire that started us on this road. With this week's multi-day Internet outage and the brownout and blackout that accompanied it on the first two days, I've spent time again obsessively checking our electrical connections, as I did for weeks following last year's incident. I really, really want to be in the house before winter this year, so that we're not dealing with outdoor electrical cable and ancient circuitry that overloads at nothing.

Thank you to everyone who's given us a hand thus far. Please just help us out a while longer, by sharing the links above. I'll breathe (and sleep) a lot easier once we're out of this place and into an actual house for the first time in almost six years.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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