Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Upstairs framing begins tomorrow. Roof only 1-2 weeks out. Shares needed.

We do have some new photos tonight, but most are on Wings's cell phone, and I'm having too much difficulty with start-up disk space on my laptop to try to do battle with them tonight.

Today, they got the subfloor of the upper level finished, insulation and particleboard both (the latter of which some call waferboard, and is actually far thicker than most particleboard). They're measuring off for the framework, and the lumber was delivered at 8:30 sharp this morning (good lord, lumber is expensive). Tomorrow, they begin framing the upstairs.

We've been told we're only a week or two out from the roof. That is going to be a truly hideous expense. Which, of course, means that we still need consistent daily shares of the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets provided on it, particularly the widget code from the box at lower right, which produces the running tally shown in the image above. We also need regular shares of Wings's Web site — especially now, with the holidays only a couple of months away. For folks planning to commission holiday gifts, he'll need to time to  conceive the design and develop it, then to create the work, and then to get it shipped on time. The closer we get to December, the more overloaded Santa's workbench and sleigh both get.

Many thanks to everyone who has given us a hand thus far, and special thanks to those who've helped us get this final compound stage off to such a great start. I'm hoping the week slows down a bit now to let me catch up, but every day right now seems to knock my schedule entirely out of orbit. Fingers crossed. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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