Tuesday, November 1, 2016

All Souls' and Trickster Spirits

This has been a day for trickster spirits. The ravens appeared en masse with the dawn, some forty or fifty of them. Coyote has brought his entire clan and moved in close, the better to taunt the dogs with their songs. Heaven only knows what spirits walk tonight, at the end of this Day of All Souls.

It has not been an easy day, this one. It would have been made much harder yet had we had to have to crew here. Given the nature of the day, Wings told them to take it off; they'll return bright and early tomorrow to get back to the plaster prep work.

I'm not sure how we're going to make this all work.

The glass alone is ridiculously expensive, so much so that I see no alternative to going to big box store that we all hate. We've done our best to keep our business local, but sometimes, that's just not possible. This looks like it might turn out to be one of those times.

Compared to the glass, the plastering will be minor. The septic system? ::Shrugs:: It and the windows and doors are all the work of the devil right now. Not even a full day into it, and this month is already shaping up to be constant stress, powered by an equally constant hemorrhaging of money.

We need shares. Consistently. Daily. Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code at lower right that produces the running tally shown above. Shares of Wings's Web site, which pays the bills and helps fund the construction. For folks considering holiday commissions, I need you to get hold of me now so that I can get your projects into Wings's workbench queue; it's November first, and time is officially short.

I also need about ten more hours in each day, and the energy to use them for work rather than sleep.

I'm guessing that the last is out of reach. I'm hoping the others aren't.

Many thanks to everyone who's given us a hand thus far. The remainder of this week will be, if anything, more swamped than the last few have been; tomorrow's going to be incredibly busy from the moment I get up in the morning. We've got to push through this compound stage, both in terms of fundraising and in terms of getting the work done before winter weather moves in to stay. And in the meantime, I still have to keep all the other balls in the air. Speaking of which, Wings's latest will be posted tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out for it (more new work to come later in the week, too).

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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