Tuesday, November 8, 2016

At the end of a long, difficult day, shares needed.

This has been one god-awful day. I fell early yesterday morning again, wrenched everything, spent almost the entire night up and in pain. Nothing's changed since then, other than a constant barrage of obstacles and irritations (and that's a mild term for it). Time to give it up for the night and start over tomorrow.

So. Honestly, my pain levels are so utterly out of control that I just don't have the energy for this. We have a HUGE expense coming up for the windows, and we're two days behind with the crew unexpectedly off amid other issues (not the least of which is that they've all been sick as dogs). All I'm capable of tonight is posting the links:
  • YouCaring page, via widgets, especially widget code from lower-right that gives you that image up above.
  • Wings's Web site, which funds construction as well as paying the bills.
  • Our Contact form, for folks considering holiday commissions; if you are, you'll need to get hold of me ASAP, because now that we're into November's second week, time is officially short.

Many thanks to everyone for your help thus far. I'm sorry I can't do more tonight (and I'm going to be run ragged in the days and weeks to come, so this will have to be my new normal for a while). We have a lot to push through in the next few weeks, especially if we're going to make it through this very large compound stage before winter really hits. Please bear with me in the meantime.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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