Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Good news/bad news edition. Shares needed.

The good news is that Wings managed to get an appointment today, and the results were encouraging. The antibiotics are doing their job, and despite the fluid in his chest, he does not have pneumonia. In fact, he's already showing no bacterial trace, although he's got a long way to go yet before he's what could be regarded as "well." He's going to need to take it easy for a while yet.

The less-good news, or maybe just bad news, is that while I have not been nearly as sick, last night was a turning point in my ability (or, more accurately now, my lack thereof) to fight it. Today I fell deep into that trough where you feel like a literal zombie, one of the undead, not actually alive, just (barely) putting one foot in front of the other by some means not of your own volition. Rationally, I know this probably actually means that I'm getting better, but the misery is indescribable, and so is the fatigue.

On top of that, my s-i-l had her rotator-cuff surgery today, five hours late because they apparently bumped a [non-emergent] case ahead of her in line, and no word yet on how she's doing.

So. Short form tonight, with a list if shares desperately needed:

Our YouCaring page, via the widgets provided, especially the widget code from the box at lower right that gives you the image shown above.

The diary belinda ridgewood posted for us this evening at the GOS, one announcing a $1,000 match on offer (and also tips and recs thereof).

Wings's site, which pays the bills and funds construction of the house (and we just paid an insanely large deposit yesterday on windows and doors). Also, folks contemplating holiday commissions should get hold of me now, because he's spending nearly every day in the studio, and special orders need to go into the queue now to insure completion and delivery in time for Christmas /winter holidays.

Many, many thanks to everyone for getting us to this point. I'm going to be even more scarce in the next few days (weeks?), between my slowed function and the pace of pre-holiday work and the snowballing pressures of the house and the need to be available if Nes needs help. This week, though, I'll be posting some of Wings's new inventory, beginning tomorrow, and he has a new collection-within-a-collection in the offing. In the meantime, this collection of stages we've rolled into one artificially "final" stage is looming over me like some predatory raptor, and I have to push us through it as soon as possible. Please bear with my lack of presence, and please also help us push through it by sharing the links.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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