Saturday, November 19, 2016

Match made! Shares still needed.

Yes! The match was made this morning. These funds will go directly on the balance owed on the windows, because that's going to come due in about three weeks, which will blast past like three days.

This week may wind up being a shorter week than we knew. Snow is forecast for Monday, to the tune of a 90% chance, with the precipitation slated to continue into Tuesday. Most of what remains to be done on the plaster prep requires climbing around on the scaffolds, and the weather may make that too dangerous. They would only have a 3-day week as it is, since Thanksgiving has sneaked up on us so fast, so we may find that there's not much they can do in the week to come. That saves us on labor costs in the short term, but it makes the rest of the exterior work all the more urgent. And there's still that $7K+ expense looming, in the form of the septic system.

That means that we will continue to need consistent daily shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code from lower right that produces the running tally shown above. We also need equally consistent shares of Wings's site, which pays the bills and helps fund the construction, from labor to plaster to windows to the septic system to the interior work yet to come. If you're a client who owns some of Wings's work, please considering sending us a testimonial to post on the site. And if you're considering commissioning holiday gifts, we're fast approaching the point where you will absolutely have to contact me right away to make sure that he has time to complete them and still ensure holiday delivery. 

Many thanks to everyone who has given us a hand thus far; special shout-out to the folks who have revitalized our efforts in recent days, including the incredibly generous donor of the matching funds. Wings and I are both trying desperately to catch up, having fallen so much farther behind thanks to this bug, but we're slogging through it (and overdoing it) every day. The next few weeks are going to be an all-out push with no respite, because we have very little time to get the house closed in and the excavation work done before winter weather makes it impossible, and we have to get through this final multi-phase stage as soon as humanly possible. Please bear with us, and give us a hand by sharing the links. 


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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