Monday, November 28, 2016

Plastering impossible; shift to wiring and interior work. Shares much needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.

Not much in the way of images tonight; plastering is officially out of the question. Two of the guys were only able to work a half day today (doctor's appointment), so all three spent it inside working on the upstairs wiring. They aren't finished with the floor, but they made a lot of headway.

Tomorrow will be more of the same, and the ordering of both the interior and exterior insulation, which will set us back more than $1,600. Windows are still on order for probably another 1-2 weeks yet, but we'll have to pay the balance soon. Once the windows are in, absent an extended warm-up, pretty much all of the work will switch to the interior, which means fixtures and appliances and cabinetry, too.

So we will still need consistent shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code found under the "Other Ways to Help" link that will produce this:

We also need consistent shares of Wings's site, which pays day-to-day expenses and also helps fund construction. We're having an extremely low rate of holiday sales this year, and this season is what normally keeps us going through the long hard winters here. But climate change has come to the Ski Valley, too, with ski season pushed back an entire month, and tourism (especially of the paying variety) has been way down all year; the gallery strip downtown comprises more empty storefronts than open ones. So please share the link to his site; if you own some of his work and love it, offer up a testimonial; and if you're considering commissioning holiday gifts, get hold of me now so that I can get them into his workbench queue in time to ensure pre-holiday delivery. For those contemplating donating directly through the YouCaring page, I believe $735 in matching funds are still available.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped us get this far. The severely cold weather (and this bug from hell that simply will not go away) is impeding my ability to function, so I'm slower than usual. I'm also concerned about making sure that funds get raised for our friend Lin, whose situation is far more emergent than our own. But we have a very, very long way to go before we can escape the winter weather in this tin can and get into the house, and the quickest way to do that is by expanding the pool of people with whom our YouCaring page is shared. Please help us do that.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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