Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday night; both of us sicker than the proverbial dog. Shares needed.

I am so far past exhausted I can't function, so this will be quick. Wings and I are both very sick, he much worse than I at the moment (with what looks to be trying to become bronchitis, among other things). But in a place like this, the work won't wait, and so today was two days' worth of muck duty, and working on the mares' forefeet. He should not have been doing it, of course, even with my help, but it had to be done, especially Cree. At least she's moving more comfortably again, with her styro pads on. [It didn't help that we spent yesterday, and then the first half of today, waiting around on two strangers who didn't show, all in an effort by us to do a favor for someone. They've been told not to bother now. Yes, I'm cranky. Neither of us is at others' beck and call, and especially not in our own home.]

Tomorrow will bring more tasks, and I need to be rested as much as possible. He's also got commissions in various stages of completion, plus new inventory (four new works this coming week, plus, if everything cooperates, the first of a collection within a collection, one with an overtly political theme to it). And Monday will bring a huge outlay on the glass, plus a meeting on the door (which we rescheduled yesterday because we were both to sick to want to inflict it on anybody else).

We're up against it; after Tuesday, I'm under the gun in very real terms to get this done before year's end and get us housed so that he's in a safe space for the winter. We need consistently daily shares: of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code from the box at lower right that gives you the running tally shown above; of Wings's site, which funds the construction even as it pays the day-to-day bills and expenses. Folks contemplating holiday commissions need to get hold of me now; it's already mid-November, even if it's getting up to 60 daily and there's a single stray dandelion growing out there, and the creative process takes time.

Many thanks to everyone. I'm sorry I'm not good for anything more substantial, but my brain feels like soggy cotton wool right now, and my body's about the same. Unfortunately, time insists on passing irrespective of my ability to function, and I have to get us through these many latter stages rolled into one sooner rather than later. I need to have him in a space that's healthy and safe for him (easy access, not riddled with formaldehyde, warm and not drafty and without freezing pipes) when the real winter weather hits.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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