Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Share Request, [Alleged] Voting Edition

I have a few new photos, but I'm too beat to do battle with my laptop, and these days, getting images from camera to laptop is a war.

After trying for a month, I finally "voted" today, by which I mean Wings drove me in to the County Clerk's office and I filled out a provisional ballot, along with sundry forms and affidavits, because between the post office, the clerk's office, and the state Board of Elections, they lost my absentee ballot. I shit you not; after all the years I've lived here, the post office suddenly decided that I didn't, and "returned" it. Except that they didn't, according to the Clerk, who says that as of the end of last week, they had received exactly one, count it, 1, ONE absentee ballot returned as undeliverable, and it was of course not mine. I have NEVER, NOT EVER, had trouble casting a vote the way I do in this county. Every single time, it's something. So ::shrugs:: I dunno whether my vote will even be counted. Which infuriates me, because I've been trying to get my goddamn absentee ballot since the first week of October.

At any rate, it's as done as I will be permitted to do it.

And so, I have precious little to show for the day, even though I was swamped with stuff all day long.

I also have to get this glass problem solved, and the manufacturers and sellers make it damn near impossible, especially for someone like me who cannot just get away to go let them try the hard sell on me in person. For now, the lower story is mostly papered and wired, at least. The guys will be working tomorrow and half a day on Friday (to make up for being off yesterday), and presumably I will have some photos of the actual plastering process early next week. [For now, my beloved adobe bricks are already almost entirely covered, and I miss them.] 

We are going to need shares, LOTS of them, to deal with the many (ridiculously costly) phases that make up this allegedly final stage. Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code from the purple box at lower right that produces the running tally above. Shares of Wings's Web site, which pays the bills and helps fund the construction, because there's no way the YouCaring pages do it all, believe me. And folks contemplating commissions of work to give as holiday gifts should contact me ASAP, because time is fast getting away from us all; Wings needs to be able to get orders into the pipeline now to be sure of having them completed and shipped in time for Christmas/Yule/Solstice/etc. 

Many thanks to everyone for your help thus far. My schedule remains unchanged, except for the workload to ratchet upward as the daylight ratchets downward. I honestly don't know when I'll have anything like temporarily-uninterrupted time again, much less actual free time. I'm behind on absolutely everything in life, so please bear with me.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 

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