Sunday, November 6, 2016

Share Request for a Cold Sunday Night

I learned today that I am not remotely ready for winter.

We've had intermittent rain since Friday evening. It was actually much warmer at dawn this morning than it was by, say, noon. Mid-afternoon, it was sleet; now, it's mostly clear, but that only means that it's going to get very cold overnight.

This morning my body let me know, loud and clear, that, "fall back" an hour notwithstanding, it's not going to take this new cold air quietly. Normally, this is a great day for me, because it's no longer dark an hour after I get up, and I get an extra hour in which to get stuff done. 

Not this year.

Part of it's plain old age. Part of it's that my AI disease is undoubtedly progressing. Either way, being able to get out of this tin can and into the house is going to hugely beneficial for my joints, and it's going to do wonders for Wings's body, too.

Of course, we're not there yet. We've actually got a very long way to go.

So we continue to need consistent daily shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code from the purple box at lower right that gives you the auto-updating image shown above. We also need consistent daily shares of Wings's site, the sales from which pay day-to-day expenses and also fund construction. And folks considering holiday commissions should contact me now, so that I can get your orders into the pipeline on Wings's workbench, and ensure delivery in time for holiday giving.

Many thanks to everyone who's helped us get to this point. We do, however, have a long way to go before we're safely in for the winter, and winter's semi-officially here; as of yesterday, we have snow on the peaks, with more added today. This week is going to be . . . intense, for lack of a better word; Wings and I will be both be at it nonstop every single day. Please help us get through this extraordinarily large and complex (and extraordinarily expensive) compound stage by sharing the links. Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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