Sunday, November 13, 2016

Still sick. Shares still needed. Tomorrow will be hugely expensive.

Tomorrow is going to be a day.

The crew will be back to work — and if they're still sick, they're going to be kept a lot farther than arm's length. That's where we caught it, one of them in particular, and being so sick, worrying about and Wings. and the disruption involving him wanting to bring some people by with constant reschedules and never showing, over a two-day period, combined yesterday to screw things up so badly that I forgot something, and the forgetting destroyed a year-long informal project I had under way. Eleven and a half months, all down the drain, and to say that I am "not happy" right now is . . . well, "understatement" doesn't cut it. From here on out, they get strep, bronchitis, pneumonia, they stay home until they're n longer contagious, because Wings and I cannot afford to be down like this for this long a period of time.

Tomorrow will be no reprieve, either. The glass guy is coming to finalize and get the money; the door guy is coming to measure and get info for the estimate; and a farrier is coming to help with the boys, because, having worked himself into a setback by working on Cree and Shade yesterday, I have been pestering Wings not to do it himself right now. It will be a zoo here, and on top of heading into my busiest day (Tuesday), my s-i-l is having her surgery Tuesday as well, and the little niece just had hers on Thursday and is recovering. 

Wings has new work in the offing (some will be posted later this week), but we need folks to share his site. Daily. Testimonials help, too. If you're planning holiday commissions, the time to contact me is now so that I can get them in his workbench queue. The holiday season, which, for creative purposes, is already well under way now, is what normally gets us, at least minimally, through the long winters here. This year? This year, it's funding the construction of the house. And given who is likely to be taking office, squatter or no, on January 20th, we need to be in the house before then; I need to know that Wings is safe and warm and not dealing with freezing pipes and a dangerous icy ramp and the other safety issues we have in this tin can. Getting his knee surgeries is looking increasingly unlikely, given what is likely to happen with the ACA (and possibly Medicare, and certainly our IHS funding). I am not in the least inclined to being sanguine about any of this; there is nothing more important to me than his well-being. [Yes, I am angry. It's taking everything I have to keep my mouth shut right now.]

We also need consistent daily shares of our YouCaring page, via the widgets on it. Especially important is the widget code from the purple box at lower right, which is how you get the image and tally above. I am given to understand that there is going to be a match announced tomorrow or Tuesday, and when I have more info, I'll post it here.

Many thanks to everybody, including those who are helping me hang onto my sanity right now; you know who you are. I'm farther behind than ever, and that will continue probably through the end of the year. We're up against it, time-wise and weather-wise and every other -wise at this point, and I will be at constant work to get this done and us housed safely at last. This "final stage" is actually many stages rolled into one, and I have no choice but to push through it, and we need your help sharing the links to make that happen.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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