Thursday, November 24, 2016

Winter is here. It's about to get messy, & time is short. $1K match on offer tomorrow.

Winter is not coming; it's here.

Today dawned clear and sunny, but by mid-morning, the winds were fierce. Clouds have moved in, and the temperature is dropping fast, Snow is slated to begin Saturday night, last all day Sunday, and aftger a brief respite on Monday, resume on Tuesday.

We're up against it now.

The plastering has yet to be done before winter settles in hard. The windows and doors, which are on order, have to be installed, and we will have to pay the remaining half of their cost upon delivery. And the septic system has to be dug and installed.

Tomorrow, a one-thousand-dollar match is being offered anonymously; if we raise a grand, it immediately doubles to two. But now we have a new wrinkle, one I'm not sure can be smoothed away. I mentioned yesterday that I would be raising funds for someone else as of Monday, someone whose situation was more exigent than ours. It may have to begin sooner than that. I'm prepared to write and post as immediately as necessary, but I want folks to be aware that this is coming, and that I may be diverting your attention elsewhere despite our own situation. Yes, I'm worried; I didn't want to spend another winter in this tin can. But sometimes, other things are more important.

For now, I'll just drop our links here, hoping folks will share them:

Our YouCaring page, via the widgets on the page, including the widget code that produces the running tally shown above; simply scroll down between the blue Facebook share button and the list of supporters and click on "Other Ways to Help" to get to all of the widgets and code.

Wings's Web site, which pays the bill in addition to helping fund the construction. Normally, this season is what keeps us going through the long harsh winters here, but it's slow this year, and in addition to ordinary expenses, we need to boost sales to help finish the house. If you're contemplating commissioning holiday gifts, please get hold of me now using the Contact form, so that I can ensure that your order gets into Wings's workbench queue for timely completion and delivery.

Many thanks to everyone for getting us to this point. We need an all-out push now to complete these many final stages in one, at least if we're to have any hope of getting out of this rickety tin can for winter. I hope folks will help us get there by continuing to share the links. But I'm still going to ask you, possibly as early as tomorrow, to help someone else whose need is much greater yet.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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