Sunday, November 20, 2016

Winter storm only hours away. Holidays officially not far behind. Shares needed.

I finally had a chance today to notice that the guys got most of the flashing on the front vigas on Thursday. No opportunity for photos, though. 

Or, frankly, for much else. We've both been overdoing it, and it caught up to me today in a big way. Wings's own recovery is stalled, and he'll be calling the clinic tomorrow. (They better hope they don't talk to me; I found out they never did the labs, as though bugs wear flashing neon signs that say, Hi! I'm just a virus, and you don't have to worry about pneumonia! This is what passes for health care.)

A lot to do this week, a short week to begin with, and now with a storm supposed to hit tonight and run into Tuesday. No time for much else (or energy, either), so tonight it's just the links:

Our YouCaring page, via the widgets provided, especially the code from the box at lower right that gives you the running tally above.

Wings's site, which pays the bills and funds construction both (and he's got four new pairs of earrings up, with more new work coming probably mid-week or so). 

If you're contemplating holiday commissions, Thanksgiving week is that point where people really need to get them in to ensure time for design, execution, and delivery, so get hold of me via the Contact form so that I can ensure that you get what you really want, and get it into Wings's queue on his workbench.

Many thanks to everyone for your help thus far. I'm sorry I'm so continually scattered, but it's going to be that way probably for the remainder of the year. I've got to push us through this final set of multiple-stages-in-one, get the house closed in and habitable, and get us safely into it, while we're in the middle of our busiest time of year (and do it, apparently, with the bug from hell that won't die). I'm behind, but I'll get to everything eventually, just slowly. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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