Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wiring done; insulation under way. Next big push: the septic system. Expanded shares greatly needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.

This was today's hugely expensive delivery: interior and exterior insulation. They've gotten the wiring completed upstairs, and begun installing it. Yes, I have photos, but also a bad case of fatigue, thanks mostly to not being able to shake this bug, so this is it for tonight.

The match has been met, I'm told. That will go a long toward windows and doors. We are still going to have to raise the $7K for the septic system, and soon: While the exterior plastering can wait, at least theoretically, the septic install absolutely has to be done before there's any hope of moving in, and it will need to be done before the end of the year. To date, we've had no subzero temps, but that's due to change tomorrow night, if the forecast holds (and all indications are that it will). For now, the ground will still be susceptible to excavation, at least with a backhoe, but come January, that will no longer be the case. So this will be the next big push, and if we don't meet it, there's no hope of moving in until late spring at the earliest.

So of course, this means that the same need for shares continues to apply: shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided under "Other Ways to Help," especially the widget code that produces this: 

We have to expand the pool of people who see the page. The same is true of shares of Wings's site, which pays the day-to-day bills and expenses, and also goes toward construction. Shares via e-mail and word of mouth. Testimonials. Sales, and if you're planning on commissioning gifts for the holidays, we're fast approaching the deadline for getting them into his workbench queue, so contact me now.

Many thanks to everyone, including the folks who just got us to this latest match. We need an all-out push on shares right now, so please give us a hand with that. And since it's #GivingTuesday, if you want to do some real and immediate good with your donations and perhaps, quite literally, save a life, please consider kicking something into Lin's medical fund. It really is a matter of life and death.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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