Monday, December 26, 2016

A Lake for Lin: A Call from Wings to Acts of Joy, Love, Community, and Spirit

Photo copyright Wings, 2016; all rights reserved.

A note from Aji:  Last week, as we were trying to schedule diarists on behalf of Lin through the holiday season, Wings told me that he wanted to write one for her, and asked me to post it for him through my account. I promised to do so as soon as he was ready. The poem below is one that Wings wrote many years ago, in a slightly different form. He reworked it today specifically for Lin. Before you read the end note, sit for a moment with the words, with the spirit of it, see what it means to you. 

Photo copyright Wings, 2016;
all rights reserved.

For Lin

Imagine light so intense and so complete

Covering you like a velvet blanket.

A lightness which cuts you off from the everyday world, which forces you to withdraw deep into yourself, which makes you see with your heart instead of your eyes.

You can’t see but your eyes are open.

You are isolated, but you know that we are united with all living things.

Out of this utter lightness comes the roaring of drums, the sound of the prayers.

And among these sounds your ear catches the voices of the spirits, ghostlike, whispering to you from unseen lips.

Lights are flitting through the room almost touches you little flashes of lightning coming at you almost rainbow-like.

Rattles are flying through the air, you feel the wings of the birds brushing your face, feeling the light touch of a feather on your skin.

And always you hear the throbbing drums and song filling the empty space inside yourself, making your body sing to their rhythm.

~ Wings

From Aji:  With these words and images, Wings is calling all of us to an act of community: to lift up Lin, and Laura, too, in the light and the sound of song and rattle and drum — in joy. In love.  His words are about joy, about the freedom of the spirit, and about the call to community to support our own through love.

You can read the backstory about Lin’s sudden and emergent illness here. You can donate to Lin and Laura here, or via PayPal here:

Photo copyright Wings, 2016; all rights reserved.

Cross-posted here.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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