Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bitter cold & more snow on the way. We're racing time and weather. Widespread shares desperately needed.

It's been . . . a week, and it's not over yet. Still sick; too tired to post any other photos tonight. It's also going to very cold again tonight, and snow's predicted for tomorrow, as well as Monday and Tuesday.

So, what we need, and badly:
  • Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code under 2) at the "Other Ways to Help" link that produces the image shown above;
  • Shares of Wings's site; sales are way, way down this holiday season, and this is the time of year that usually gets us (mostly) through the long harsh winters. This year, it's also funding construction. Testimonials help.
  • If you're considering commissioning holiday gifts by Wings, now's the time to contact me so I can get your order into his workbench queue.
Many thanks to everyone who's given us a hand thus far. We are under the gun in terms of time now, really up against the weather, and we;re losing the race at the moment. We need shares that get this in front of a far wider pool of potential supporters, so please help us push through these last complex phases.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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