Monday, December 19, 2016

No Internet; sub-zero lows. Interior coverwork deposit by end of week. Shares needed.

Our Internet went out at 8:20 this morning, and is not back yet. As is always the case with Indian Killer Telecom, there is no explanation, no estimate of how long it might take, not the slightest display of professionalism. This public utility that currently has two members up on charges, one aged 45 and one aged 62, for bloodying each other in the middle of the last board meeting, has us over the proverbial barrel in this county, and displays all the negligent entitlement that goes with it.

So. No idea whether we'll have it tomorrow, either. I'm currently in the process of inducing a migraine, having had to drive up to the market in the village north of us to be able to cadge their bandwidth. 

No commentary tonight beyond the fact that the next expense has presented itself: the taping and bedding and interior plasterwork, which will set us back about $2,500 at a crack, and half needs to be paid up front. Like, by the end of the week.

I've had the day from hell, and it looks like tomorrow will be no improvement, and I'm ready to tear out what remains of my hair. Oh, yeah, and we'll be back below zero again tonight. So. Shares, please:

  • Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code, which has once again been moved back to the purple box at the lower right-hand side of the page, that produces the image shown above.
  • Shares of Wings's site; sales are way, way down this holiday season, and this is the time of year that usually gets us (mostly) through the long harsh winters. This year, it's also funding construction. Testimonials help.
  • If you're considering commissioning holiday gifts by Wings, now's the time to contact me so I can get your order into his workbench queue. We're about out of time for this one, at least those that involve shipping across the country. 
  • One last thing: I mentioned above that the plumbers are coming, and bathroom-fixture purchases are in the offing. To that end, I've added Lowes gift cards to our Amazon wishlist. No, there's no Lowes here in Taos, but there's one an hour-plus away in EspaƱola. Less obnoxious (and less expensive, and less far away) than Home Depot, and an actual selection and discount pricing that are not available here in town. It's by far the most cost-efficient way for us to buy the bathroom fixtures, which we're going to have to do very soon so that they can complete the plumbing rough-in and our crew can get to those rooms.
Thanks to everyone for your help thus far, with special thanks to a few folks over the last few days, and last night, who have suddenly made progress possible once again. Extra-special thanks to one dear friend and benefactor from earlier in the week, and to one from yesterday. We are going to need to push through this, hard, fast, and and consistently. Winter is here: Snow, ice, bitter cold, and a septic system that freezes nightly because it was misinstalled all those years ago. Blowing snow, brutal winds, and lots of ice yesterday; supposed to be seven below tonight. Please give us a hand with consistent daily shares to a wide audience.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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