Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Shares needed. But more importantly, go to the end and share THAT (and give if you can).

No, no new photos. Oh, Ice's guy was here today to start the upstairs taping on the drywall, but I was, quite literally, too fatigued and in too much pain to go take any shots. Which means, of course, that I'll have to do it in the bitter cold tomorrow, early, before they get here.

Some days are just terrible. This has been one. So it's cut-and-paste only tonight:
  • Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code, which has once again been moved back to the purple box at the lower right-hand side of the page, that produces the image shown just above.
  • Shares of Wings's site; sales also fund the construction (indeed, they are the baseline for it). Testimonials help.
  • I've added Lowes gift cards to our Amazon wishlist. For folks who'd rather give gift cards than cash, this is far and away the best way to support construction. We're going to have to sink a small fortune into them for fixtures, appliances, flooring, etc., and at the moment, we can actually use the gift cards better than cash.
Thank you to everyone who has gotten us this far this year, including the match donated today. Once again, I want to direct your attention here (or, for folks at the GOS, here). The person scheduled to do today's diary seems to have vanished, so if you haven't read yesterday's by Wings, please do. I am so proud of him and his willingness to step up for our friend who so desperately needs community support right now. Please T/R/share/donate to her fund if you can. Especially that last. On this day three years ago, someone we loved very much walked on. I'd like to honor his memory by supporting our similarly-beloved friend today. 

Thanks, everybody.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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