Sunday, January 15, 2017

Schadenfreude Edition. Shares Needed.

The guys showed up late and knocked off early today, the better to prep for the game. They're Cowboys fans. 

That's what I meant by schadenfreude.

We're Cowboys fans only on two occasions: when they're playing the Washington Racists; or when they're playing the Kansas City Thiefs. Two teams that should be banned from the League for their poisonous bigotry, but won't be. So, yes, that means I'm for the Steelers right now, too, even though we don't normally root for them, either.


Everything gets started bright and early tomorrow. Beginning with Wings and Tony loading up our ATV and hauling it down to a mechanic, because along with everything else that went to hell this week, the cam chain popped and it's not driveable. It's an old model, one he's had for I think around fifteen years, but we take care of it, because it's kind of necessary for everything that needs doing on this much land. Another expense. On the plus side, Miskwaki's eye healed nicely overnight, Cree is moving fairly well and didn't colic today, and Shade is (at least for now) out of her poultice boot. It's absurd that the horse that wasn't expected to live (that would Ice) is the only one who's low-maintenance.

The unwiring/rewiring completion is projected for the end of Tuesday. I'm guessing a day or two later than that. Meanwhile, a couple of guys are supposed to come and talk to us tomorrow about building the shower bases (we're doing built-in rather than buying acrylic bases that risk cracking, but it has to be done by someone who's experienced at this kind of work). Then the plumbers. Oh, and the now more than five grand that the wiring fuck-up set us back? That was allocated for the plumbers, so I can kiss that goodbye and start figuring out what I need to juggle with labor for the next few weeks in order to pay to finish the plumbing rough-in.

I'll be bald by Valentine's Day at this rate.

Shares. We need them now:
Still, before you share our links, please go share Laura's. Lin's spirit is where the water meets the light, but Laura will still need our help for a while. Please T/R/share/donate to her fund if you can. Especially that last. It's needed.

Thanks, everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 

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