Thursday, February 16, 2017

Kindness from a stranger. Shares needed.

Mostly cut and paste tonight; yesterday and today have wiped us both out.

Briefly, for those wondering about Cree: Obviously, burial had to wait until today. The guy from the feed store down the road showed up around 10 AM or so; he has a backhoe with a front loader, and he had it loaded on a gigantic flatbed. He dug the grave out in the south field, not far from where little Animiikins is (a Pueblo puppy who left us not quite eight years ago, after only a 6-day stay, losing a battle with distemper). Cree will rest in the shadow of the bank of wild sunflowers that appeared from nowhere last year. 

The process with a horse is not an easy one; it requires chains, and dragging, and carrying her up in the air, and lowering her into the earth in all sorts of ways that could be undignified and horrifying. John made it seem both respectful and serene, and we buried her with everything she'll need, as we do with all of our animals. There are two apparently abandoned stray dogs, not much more than puppies, who've been coming over the last two weeks (they're mostly hanging out at the neighbor's), and the small one attended the burial, lying down a few feet away from me just as She-Wolf does. Just before we came inside for the evening, I noticed that he'd returned to the site, and last I looked, he was lying near her headstone, keeping watch over her as she makes her journey. 

Kindness from a stranger.

As to the rest of it, please just share links:
  • Shares of our YouCaring page via the widgets provided, especially the widget code, which has once again been moved back to the purple box at the lower right-hand side of the page, that produces the image shown just above.
  • Shares of Wings's site; sales also fund the construction (indeed, they are the baseline for it). Testimonials help.
  • I've added Lowe's gift cards to our Amazon wishlist. We're having to spring for lumber, lath, and plaster material locally. The rest of what makes it habitable — flooring, paint, appliances, etc. — are coming from Lowe's, which is giving us the best selection and price, and therefore best bang for our buck, but it's still a lot. A LOT. And so one of the best, most immediate ways to help at this point is with Lowe's gift cards. I have three separate denominations posted on the wishlist, but cards in any amount whatsoever are useful; they all go into the same pool.
Still, before you share our links, please go share Laura's. Lin's spirit is where the water meets the light, but Laura will still need our help for a while. Please T/R/share/donate to her fund if you can. Especially that last. It's needed.

In the meantime, please also take a moment to share the links above.

Thanks, everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 

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