Thursday, February 2, 2017

Snowballing. We need shares badly.

I'm so far past the point of exhaustion tonight that I'm not even going to go looking for photos. My autoimmune disease has been in full flare for weeks, and worsening, with pain levels I can only describe as excruciating. No, there's nothing to be done except deal with it.

Ice and Tim were back today to finish the last of the taping. We spent the morning dealing with Cree, who had a visit with the horse bet. She was doing very, very badly a few days ago, so the vet suggested I try giving her a fractional dose of the new med we got for Raven's arthritis (he gets an even smaller fraction). She rebounded immediately, and we learned this morning that the other work we've been doing on her feet has paid off immensely. She has new solid frog growth, which means that she's using her frogs, which in turn means that the circulation in her feet is good. She's got amazing sole growth where she'd rotated all the way through it a month ago; her weight is good; and for a fully-foundered horse of her age, her vitals all seem to be about as good as we could possibly expect.

The afternoon was all errands. The front doors are now paid for; they'll be delivered Monday instead, when the guys are here to schlep them around. They'll probably wind up in the studio initially, because I'll need to stain them and seal them. One of our stops was to the local hardware store to pick up the stain and the sealant. I haven't seen them yet, except in a couple of photos on the vendor's phone, but they look amazing.

We're going to have to check on the last of the fixtures, because the tile's already in, in under a week. If all goes well, we might be able to arrange delivery for all of that sometime next week, or at least the week after.

There's no end to it.

It's all snowballing, and fast. I have got to find a way to gin up sales in this environment, the worst season of the year every year made far worse by the lack of snow and what's invaded D.C. Nobody's spending, which I get, but this is our livelihood, and it's also the base of what's building the house. I also need to get the YouCaring page moving again, not merely donations, but the one thing that costs nothing at all:  SHARES.
  • Shares of Wings's site; sales also fund the construction (indeed, they are the baseline for it). Testimonials help.
  • I've added Lowe's gift cards to our Amazon wishlist. Those are one of the things we most need, since our materials costs are climbing daily. There's a lot left to buy, unfortunately, and more flooring and interior paint are both on tap for next week, as are lumber, lath, and plaster material locally.
Still, before you share our links, please go share Laura's. Lin's spirit is where the water meets the light, but Laura will still need our help for a while. Please T/R/share/donate to her fund if you can. Especially that last. It's needed.

And now, I'm allegedly headed into three days without a single person coming over to do anything, and maybe, just maybe, I can at least get rid of this bug, even if I can't do anything about the autoimmune stuff or the pain. Wings is gearing up for his next coil series, and maybe I'll even get a little design time in on that with him. Also maybe a little sleep.

Thanks, everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 

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