Saturday, April 1, 2017

Walls! Copper tomorrow. Shares needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.

I did it!

I'm paying for it now, of course, but I got the base coat on all the walls. Yes, there are photos of the other walls, too, but I'm too wiped to deal with most of them now. I even got the ceiling of the hall, but Wings has promised to do the ceiling of the bedroom itself, which will give my shoulders, arms, hands, and neck a break.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.

Sort of. Tomorrow, while Wings is doing the ceiling, I start sponging on the copper on the walls. Turquoise top coat will probably have to wait for next Thursday.

It's snowing. Massive system south and west of us, all headed inexorably this way. Supposedly a 100% chance of snow on Tuesday, too. It will delay the plastering further, if true, but the guys have plenty to keep them busy. We also have a long, long way to go to get this place livable (yeah, it's easier for the flickers than for us), so we still need shares desperately:
  • Wings's PayPal account, for donations to the house fund (out of a current $30K goal, last night upped our total raised to $2,800 since last Monday, leaving a balance of $27,200. If that link doesn't work, it's tied to his e-mail address: wingsoftaos [at] newmex [dot] com.
  • His Web site, for sales (always preferable, and the base upon which the whole project hinges anyway, along with paying our day-to-day living expenses) — and just by the way, he's got some really incredible new works up now.
  • Our Amazon wishlist, which contains Lowe's cards that will allow us to purchase some materials more cheaply than here in town, and also allow us to divert the extra funds to labor costs.
So much to do, no matter how much my joints are screaming at me. I have to get as far as possible tomorrow, because I can't pick it up again until Thursday; in the meantime, it looks like Wings's cardiac workup (long overdue) might finally be going to happen this week, so things are going to be extracrazybusy. Many thanks and love to all of you who are helping us keep going; please keep sharing the links.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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