Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bancos! More woodwork. More expense. Shares needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
I have more shots, but I'm too exhausted to deal with more than the minimum tonight. The last two weeks have required us to keep an absolutely punishing pace, and I can't do much more of this. Unfortunately, I have (at least) seven more weeks of non-stop running, and non-stop labor and stress, too.

So that up there is today's big news: Sherm and Miguel got started on the bancos. They'll have them finished in a couple of days, save for the final color coat. The two pallets of adobes were just enough, so it's just as well we had no way for them to pick up the third pallet yesterday. On the right, the wood item is the frame for a backrest; once it's all mortared and lathed and plastered, it'll be all of a piece, one uninterrupted unit, in a very traditional style. But note outlet for my laptop in the front . . . .

In the meantime, Tony and Reynaldo were staining more of the woodwork upstairs: 

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
Above, a distance shot of the French doors that will open onto the deck. Below, a close-up of the window sill:

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
Meanwhile, we had another day of non-stop errands and materials purchases, which has wiped us out in more ways than one. As I said last night, there's an unreal amount of work under way, and it's all adding up to an equally unreal cash flow (all outward), and we have to pay for it all as it comes. So we need constant, consistent shares. Here are all the links, and the cut-and-paste:
  • First, to donate, the PayPal link is here
  • Second, for sales (which we really need to make, and I'll be highlighting some of his high-end stuff on the site this week), the link to Wings's site (preferably with a testimonial, if you have some of his work), because sales are gonna keep this thing rolling. 
  • And finally, the link to our wishlist (which badly needs updating), with an emphasis on the Lowe's gift cards, because those are what will help us pay for all the stuff that will make this place liveable, like a water heater and flooring and so forth. A note here: I really do dislike Home Depot, but they have a terrific tile that would work for pretty much the entire downstairs (except the bathroom) that's less than a third of the price of a lot of what's comparable from Lowe's. It's the kind of thing that we can't rationalize spending so much more on, given the differential, and so I'll be adding Home Depot gift cards to the wishlist, too, much as it pains me. [Okay, so I just checked; you can only buy Home Depot gift cards through their own company site, so they're not going to be on the Amazon wishlist. Think of it as a virtual virtual wishlist.]
As I've also been saying, we need to make some sales, and sales of some of Wings's bigger-ticket items would go a very, very long way toward this phase (the most expensive of the entire process, unfortunately). We've been blessed with a couple of sales this week, and this weekend I've posted Wings's two latest works. I haven't even had time yet to do a separate post for the new micaceous pottery by a member of his extended family. Please share them as they go up; his new work in particular is pretty spectacular. I have more work this evening, and I have to get on it. Many thanks and much love to everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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