Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Shower base tiled; tomorrow gets crazy-busy (& crazy-expensive). Shares needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
They got the shower base tiled today, and the curb. Tomorrow, they'll grout all of that and the bathroom floor. Meanwhile, Philip's coming to lath the upper-level exterior preparatory to the plaster base coat, and if we're lucky, Sherm and his guys will be here to work on the interior plaster with the Red Top mix.

It's endless.

So are the costs, and as I said last night, the septic system mess (the one time when a spring is not good news), combined with all of the materials purchases and labor costs of the last month, have wiped us out. We're back to needing consistent daily shares to keep the work going; otherwise, we'll be calling a halt next week. Here are all the links:
  1. First, to donate, the PayPal link is here.
  2. Second, for sales (which we really need to make, and I'll be highlighting some of his high-end stuff on the site this week), the link to Wings's site (preferably with a testimonial, if you have some of his work), because sales are gonna keep this thing rolling. 
  3. And finally, the link to our wishlist (which badly needs updating), with an emphasis on the Lowe's gift cards, because those are what will help us pay for all the stuff that will make this place liveable, like a water heater and flooring and so forth. 
As I've also been saying, we need to make some sales, and sales of some of Wings's bigger-ticket items would go a very, very long way toward this phase (which is by far the most expensive, as all the guys are so fond of reminding of us : "Oh, you thought you had the expensive part done? Hahahaha, it's just beginning!"). I'll be highlighting some of his pricier works on the site this week, beginning with today's post, and it would help us a lot if folks would be sure to share those links far and wide; you never know who might be a collector, or just moved by a particular piece and inspired to buy. I also will, if the evening goes smoothly enough for me to squeeze it in, be posting a new pottery piece from a member of his extended family, one whose work we've only carried in miniature form in recent years. This is a full-sized piece, and it's fabulous. 

Now, it's back to the salt mines, and evening chores besides. Many thanks and much love to everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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