Monday, July 10, 2017

Sanding, staining, supplies ordered, and remaining exterior plaster about to begin. Cash outlays are enormous.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.
Progress today, although not a lot of it visible. What is visible is the sanding and staining shown up there. We're paying Tony to go down to Santa Fe on Thursday to pick up the remaining interior doors (and we hope it's all of them this time). The parts for the evaporative system are on order. And we shelled out another really large amount today (although thankfully not as massive as Friday's) for the start of the remaining exterior plaster work. That begins tomorrow, with a 6-man crew. They'll be wrapping the entire house, which consists of a skim, mesh, and a top coat, in that order. They'll be wrapping the parapets with additional weatherproofing, too. The color coat will probably go on next week.

There's a lot more going on, too; we'll have essentially no spare time for the foreseeable future. Tomorrow's swamped, and I may be up very late tonight, depending on how the next half-hour or so goes. The costs right now are hugely expensive, and we still have upstairs flooring, cabinetry, lighting, and appliances to buy (and a water heater). We're having to police our cash expenditures even more closely than usual, and right now, they're going for labor, plumbing, electric, and plaster, all things that have to be paid in cash. That means that Home Depot and Lowe's cards are still going to be useful for the rest of the materials, so here, once again, are links for those and for sales:
As it turns out, the fundraiser for others that I thought would be needed is now no longer necessary, at least for now. If it turns out that more is needed, I'll post it at that time and ask folks to share and otherwise help. For the moment, as always, I have to get back to work. Many thanks and much love to everyone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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