Friday, October 6, 2017

A day that began in despair ends in joy. We'll sleep upstairs tonight! Shares still needed, of course.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.

After what seemed to be clearing weather last night, a new wave of thunderstorms rolled through. At a little after 3 AM, we were awakened by a brand-new leak in this tin can. I've been effectively up since 3:30,having moved out to what passes for a couch, with all the discomfort and pain that trying to lie on the thing entails. By the time I got up, completely, I could barely move; between that and the rapid-fire changes in weather and temperature, and the extreme winds, I was inn the kind of pain that literally brings me to my knees, less an issue of prayer than that I can hardly walk.

The day didn't start out well, obviously. It was more like despair and desperation.

But we got some miracles today.

First, I was so exhausted last night that I completely forgot to include a link (or even a mention) of the diary that my beloved Yasuragi posted for us last night. It included a $1,000 match by another dear soul, and as of the ;point that my body gave out and gave in to a brief and fitful sleep last night, we hadn't made it quite halfway. late this morning, more contributions came in, and then suddenly, a third dear friend filled in the rest, so our match was made. While this was going on, Wings was dealing with paying the tile crew for this week's portion of the overall work. Given what they'd quoted him, I was expecting to have to reallocate our existing funds just to pay that and the woodstove install on Monday, meaning there might be little left over for regular labor. And we got our second miracle: The quoted rate became a substantially lower price, and we were covered on all fronts. The chimney people texted Wings today to confirm, and he was able to do so, thanks to more people than I can possibly name, but you all know who you are, and thanks to you we will have heat starting Tuesday night at the latest, enabling us to  move in more or less permanently. Which we can do because of this:

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.

Yes, we'll have to roll up the rug and cover the couch (and pack away the pillows I've had stored unused for so very, very long), but after the stoves are in, we'll be able to move the Internet stuff over and start actually living, mostly, in the space. Right now, we're in the RV while I fix dinner, and we'll have to continue to go back and forth for a bit while we get the kitchen and bath stuff situated over the next month or so, but that photo up at the very top? That's where we're sleeping tonight.

It will be warm, and comfortable, and entirely free of mold, and I don't have words for the joy we feel right now.

Of course, there's still a long way to go. As close as we are, there's too much to be done, and that means a lot of labor, which means a lot of expense, and a lot of materials to buy and damaged goods to replace. So here are the links:

  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • Wings's site, for sales;
  • Lowe's cards (the physical version) via our Amazon wishlist;
  • Lowe's e-cards (delivered via e-mail) here; and
  • Home Depot cards via the company site. The e-version using my e-mail address is great; I take the tablet to the store with me, and they scan it off the screen.
  • Our Amazon wishlist generally.
  • Wayfair gift cards, to replenish all the furnishings that the RV has destroyed in one way or another.
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. It's not complete; what's on it so far are drapes for the upstairs, associated curtain rods, and bath rugs for both bathrooms. ]
  • Partial registry #2, from Wayfair. Also not complete, but covers a number of the area rugs needed for the upstairs and some kitchen items. I have to supplement this one (and the BBB one) badly, but I've been pulled in all directions nearly every second, and I probably won't get time to add to them before late tonight or tomorrow. But about Wayfair, & VERY IMPORTANT: They make it possible to crowdfund each item. So if you'd like to help, but the prices are too much for one person? You can kick in 20 bucks, or ten, or five, on any one item; many small donations can add up to one item. And while at the moment two rugs are out of stock, I believe you can fund those in advance of their restocking; also, I'll have other badly-needed items on the list before long, because the wiring and mold and lime and everything else in this toxic tin can has destroyed so much of what we used to have. I'm sickened by the amount of stuff we have to throw out (on top of the things that were simply ruined, such as the microwave fried by the wiring in this place).
Many thanks and much love from us both, for donations, gift cards, shares, recs, moral support, and just generally helping me not lose my mind. N to much has changed on the health front:  As I've been saying daly, it seems, this has been a difficult day health-wise, with my flare itself seeming to flare, no doubt in part due to our high winds and drastic weather changes. But there are also the breathing difficulties, and sundry other issues secondary to the AI problems, and so I am moving very, very slowly, and accomplishing things only with quite a lot of difficulty. I'm going to be slow, and late, and unfocused; please bear with me while we try to get into a much healthier space. At the same time, I've wept so many tears of joy today, and of gratitude too, and we're both so thankful for each and every one of you who made it possible for us to sleep tonight, for the first time in seven years, in a safe and healthy place.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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