Sunday, October 8, 2017

Drastic weather change tomorrow; teens and snow. A lot yet to do and a long way to go. Shares needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved.

No, not a new photo from today; at the moment, the rug is rolled up and on top of the sofa, and sofa, pillows, and rug are all tarped with plastic sheeting to protect them from what's to come tomorrow. But I like the shot, and it makes it look almost — almost — like an actual home. Get the construction gear out of there, add a couple of tables and lamps and some of Wings's vast indigenous art collection that's been in storage for years now, and it will look like home.

So last night, roles were reversed: Wings slept, and I didn't. Part of it, I think, was I forgot to turn on the blanket on my side, and I got chilled. The room itself was pretty warm, even so. And we'll be heading over there in another three hours or so to try again. Tomorrow begins very early, and we have a lot to go over with the guys, given that there are some things they have to get done before the woodstove and tile crews can do what they need to do, so we have to get them on it. Especially since we spent a not-insignificant amount of time today tarping stuff and papering the floors upstairs so that the woodstove guys will not track crap everywhere or get dirt all over everything (and as soon as we get up in the morning, the bed and rug get tarped, too).

We also have to get them on fixing their screwup with the toilet, which I wasted three hours of my already booked-solid day trying to resolve. I know now what the problem is, but I can't fix it, and since they did it and failed to let us know, they're going to fix it. I'm already irritated because two things came up yesterday that I had to think of and investigate that various crews are being paid to handle, and I should not have to be doing really, really basic stuff for them (especially given what they're all getting paid). Today, given also that it meant that I got exactly none of my own work done and now will have to cram ALL of it into tomorrow, was just the icing on the cake. I will need to bite my tongue several times tomorrow before I actually say anything. It's a good thing nobody was here today, because when I am this sick and this fatigued (and right now, I'm a lot of both), my patience is exceedingly short, and I tend to swear a lot.

But . . . we might actually have heat by tomorrow night! Thanks to a whole bunch of you. I'm seriously hoping for tomorrow and not Tuesday, because while today it got up to 66 (after a pre-dawn low of around 30), tomorrow's high is pegged at 46, with a low of 19, and snow during the day. As always, of course, even beyond the woodstoves, there's still a long way to go. As close as we are, there's too much to be done, and that means a lot of labor, which means a lot of expense, and a lot of materials to buy and damaged goods to replace. So here are the links:

  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • Wings's site, for sales;
  • Lowe's cards (the physical version) via our Amazon wishlist;
  • Lowe's e-cards (delivered via e-mail) here; and
  • Home Depot cards via the company site. The e-version using my e-mail address is great; I take the tablet to the store with me, and they scan it off the screen.
  • Our Amazon wishlist generally.
  • Wayfair gift cards, to replenish all the furnishings that the RV has destroyed in one way or another.
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. It's not complete; what's on it so far are drapes for the upstairs, associated curtain rods, bath rugs for both bathrooms, and doormats and a few other miscellaneous items.]
  • Partial registry #2, from Wayfair. Also not complete, but covers a number of the area rugs needed for the upstairs and some kitchen items. I've finally added a bunch of items to it, although nothing in the way of small tables or lamps or kitchen items beyond three basic things, because of that whole time-wasted thing up above. What I did get to is all of the rugs for the whole house, and a few basic furniture items. But about Wayfair, and VERY IMPORTANT: They make it possible to crowdfund each item. So if you'd like to help, but the prices are too much for one person? You can kick in 20 bucks, or ten, or five, on any one item; many small donations can add up to one item. Also, it appears that everything that was listed as out of stock/on backorder is back in stock. It's a slow process, but every day I find a few more items that fall into the badly-needed category, because the wiring and mold and lime and everything else in this toxic tin can has destroyed so much of what we used to have. I'm sickened by the amount of stuff we have to throw out (on top of the things that were simply ruined, such as the microwave fried by the wiring in this place).
Many thanks and much love from us both, for donations, gift cards, shares, recs, moral support, and just generally helping me not lose my mind. Not much has changed on the health front:  As I've been saying daily, it seems, this has been a difficult day health-wise, with my flare itself seeming to flare, no doubt in part due to our high winds and drastic weather changes. But there are also the breathing difficulties, and sundry other issues secondary to the AI problems, and so I am moving very, very slowly, and accomplishing things only with quite a lot of difficulty. I'm going to be slow, and late, and unfocused; please bear with me while we try to get into a much healthier space. We are both so thankful for each and every one of you who made it possible for us to sleep the last two nights, for the first time in seven years, in a safe and healthy place.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2017; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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