Monday, March 19, 2018

Storms, passing and otherwise. We need sales (and shares) badly.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

A passing storm, far too far away to do us any good. From here, it looked like the skull of some great spirit buffalo. Unfortunately, this week is going to filled with storms of a different sort, and not mostly not the useful kind.

This is going to be a very tough week, just based on appointments alone. I will not be around much as a result. I already have too few hours in the day even to begin to do all I need to do. I also got another in-my-face reminder today of how violently successful erasure is, and how invisible I am to the dominant culture, and my confidence is at a spectacularly low ebb right now. I have more than enough to keep depression sucking me into its undertow; it doesn't need any additional help, thanks.

I need time to work, I need to have a brain functional enough to get this damn platform fixed and also functional, I need to get the stress of the medical bills off before it kills me anyway. I have none of those things, and no likelihood of that changing anytime soon, so I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Unfortunately, that leaves me no energy (literally; walking, standing, bending over to pick up something all wipe me out right now) for anything else, so the rest is cut-and-paste. I have to find a way to deal with this level of pain and fatigue and, yes, fear, while everyone else effs around with no sense of urgency whatsoever, and I haven't figured out those pieces of this yet.

I'm setting two separate goals, as outlined below, because they're both dunning me steadily now. The overall goal is my $25K+ in emergency medical bills. I've been trying to raise an initial $1,700 to take care of two specific bills: the local ambulance and one hospitalist's fee. We're $145 of the way toward it. Those are now covered (thank you, thank you again). The next goal is two-fold: One is the cost of the ambulance when they transferred me down to Albuquerque, which is $2K; the other is one of the Lovelace doctors, which is $1,500. That's $3,500 total, and the next phase of all this with regard to the new platform. Then I can turn my attention to the really big ones, which are the hospital bills themselves (Lovelace in particular is going to be bad, because, well, cardiac cath). A caveat: I have a lot of kinks to get worked out yet, but PayPal is now theoretically linked to the progress meter on the site. I say "theoretically," because I've just discovered that I apparently have to set up at least one other page to make the subscription "purchase" possible. Eventually, if you subscribe via PayPal (it's a monthly thing like Patreon), it will show, although for now the only way to do it is to hit the PayPal "Subscribe" button. I'm hoping to get that figured out and fixed tomorrow. I also need to figure out how to pin it to the main page, so for now, the only way to access it is here. Please share this link around on social media and elsewhere. I still need to raise the $3,500 as fast as possible, because there are thousands' worth of hospital bills stacked up behind it. It also means that we need sales and I need to get my subscription platform up and running (and you can still subscribe via PayPal even now). So here are the links: 
  • Tonight's post elsewhere (for as long as I have, I'll keep doing it);
  • A way to buy me coffee (which actually goes to She-Wolf's & my medical bills, and now Wings's too);
  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • Wings's site, for sales;
  • Amazon wishlist, which mostly consists of food for the half-feral pack;
  • Wayfair gift cards, to replenish all the furnishings that the RV has destroyed in one way or another.
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. There are new kitchen-y things on it now, stuff that I didn't realize we'd need to replace (either because the RV ruined it or because we gave it away when we had to downsize).
  • Partial registry #2, from Wayfair. There are some things left on both registries that I thought by now I might be able just to buy outright, but medical bills (mine and She-Wolf's both) have to come first.

Please check out the new platform, share the links, get your friends to participate. I've got a long road ahead of me, just in terms of diagnosis and, I hope, eventually treatment. Being able to pay off the medical bills will go a long way toward keeping me as healthy as possible in the meantime. Thanks, everybody, from both of us.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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