Saturday, April 7, 2018

Dancers of Wind and Water and Light

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's a vintage-style set of coordinating works wrought in the oldest of traditional styles. It's still a bit early here for these small spirits, but not by much, and if we are granted the gift of the rains, we may soon be joined again by these dancers of wind and water and light.

The post is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact form. And, as always, sales are very much needed (especially now; the medical expenses are accumulating so fast I can't keep up with it), so share of the site links are much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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