Monday, April 30, 2018

Diving for home. Patreon subscribers, sales, and shares all very much needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Diving for home. Yeah, you need to click on it and enlarge it see, but that's one of the pair headed from way high in front of the peaks back to the new nest.

It's also about how I felt this afternoon when we got back from a few errands. Speaking of which, it was heartbreaking, too: Up until the very end, whenever we were gone, She-Wolf and Raven would be waiting and would run out to meet us on our return. Today, Raven appeared in the hay barn, but he was clearly confused, looking around on all sides for She-Wolf. Eventually, he gave up and turned back instead of coming to meet us. He's still not eating to speak of, and he's in full mourning. 

It was a tough day on other fronts, too. I have hit a wall physically, in no small part probably because of the physical strain of dealing with She-Wolf last week, but also the other stressors of last week, a near-complete lack of sleep last night, and everything else going on with my health. Add today's winds into that, and I've been worse than useless, and very far behind on everything. So, yeah, diving for home, and I'm glad to be in where it's warm now. I'll also be heading to bed in about forty minutes, because I'm copletely wiped.

Anyway. We need sales, badly. I also need new  subscribers to my Patreon page, badly. I've set my initial monthly goal at $1,000, which will let me pay off our medical bills in just three years, imagine that (yeah, that's sarcasm, but I don't have any other options but this one). Thank you, once again, to the thirteen folks who have believed in me sufficiently to subscribe already, and who collectively have gotten me past the 60% mark. I still need a little shy of 40% to make that goal, and I am asking folks outright, please: Share the link, and subscribe if you can. Pledges made through tomorrow will bill on May 1st; anything after that will bill on June 1st. And since I have $4K worth of vultures breathing down my neck right now (okay, so it's really more like $24K, and they're getting nasty about it, and yes, this IS the "discounted rate"), I really need to be able to meet this goal and pay off as much as possible as fast as possible.

So back to the Patreon. Tonight is the last chance to subscribe for April; everyone's card get billed tomorrow. As I understand it, it hits our PayPal account four days later. If you subscribe tomorrow (or thereafter), you don't get charged until June 1st (and it pays out to me around June 4-5). So here are all the links, and the rest is cut-and-paste; please share them:
As I said last night, I've posted several recent-ish but not brand-new things on my Patreon, in addition to the three brand new ones at the bottom; some are accessible to patrons only, while a bunch are readable for free by everyone. I've got a bunch of new stuff in the works, but the last week has left me literally no time for writing, editing, or anything else; I'm hoping to carve out this week almost exclusively for that, but we all know how that goes. I'll do my best to get a lot of the new content posted as fast as I can. Much gratitude to all of you, and please continue to share the links.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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