Sunday, April 15, 2018

More on best-laid plans. Almost halfway to goal on Patreon! Pledges, sales, and shares needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
More best-laid plans and all that.

It's been one of those weird weekends where nothing you had scheduled gets done because new and bizarre things keep cropping up and sticking themselves in your path. I had planned to spend the weekend uploading a bunch of new content to my Patreon, but all sorts of other things have intruded and demanded that I address them first. It's going to be a crazybusy couple of weeks anyway: We have clients coming in tomorrow; a dear friend coming in Friday; and clients again next week. And the usual stuff has to get done, despite my extreme slowness, so everything else will be slow, too. For the Patreon content, I'm still planning on trying late tonight, though, provided I can stay awake.

Speaking of the new Patreon, it's here. I still don't even have the words to express my gratitude to my first patrons/subscribers, all nine of you: In three days, y'all have put me almost half the way to my initial goal, and I couldn't be more grateful to you. It's not just the progress toward the goal, either; it's the fact that, on the very first day I launched the page, you folks stepped up and let me know you believed in me. That's more valuable than any amount of money (but the pledges are what will pay the medical bills). So thank you, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. But speaking of being almost half-way to goal: All it would take is a little more than $100 in new pledges/patrons (I know it looks like it should be $94, but Patreon takes their cut off the top, and what you see on the ticker is that number, not the gross pledge amount; this means it will probably take about $120 to get me to the 50% mark). So. I'd be grateful is folks continued to share that link around, and if you've been contemplating subscribing, now would be a good time (you're not billed until May 1st). Thanks, everyone.

And speaking of the medical bills those funds will be used to pay, I've got $3,500 breathing down my neck right now. I've got another $20-some thousand after that, but the $3,500 represents the ones dunning me most intensely right now. Forget about the next round of upcoming tests; I have no clue how much and can't worry about it now. So here are all the links; please share them:
  • My new Patreon, The Interstices (Writing Between Worlds);
  • Wings's site, for sales;
  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • A way to buy me coffee (which actually goes to all of our medical bills, which continue to mount; another almost $400 for Wings this week);
  • Amazon wishlist, which mostly consists of supplies for She-Wolf;
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. There are new kitchen-y things on it now, stuff that I didn't realize we'd need to replace (either because the RV ruined it or because we gave it away when we had to downsize).
  • Partial registry #2, from Wayfair. There are some things left on both registries that I thought by now I might be able just to buy outright, but medical bills (mine and She-Wolf's both) have to come first.
As I said earlier, I may yet have something new posted over there tonight; it all depends on how efficient I am at getting everything done tonight. I've been having a huge amount of chest pain and difficulty breathing all day today, which makes me very slow at getting stuff done, so I may not make it yet tonight, but I'll try. Much gratitude to all of you, and please continue to share the links.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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