Sunday, April 22, 2018

She-Wolf still hanging in; vultures still hanging on. Three new Patreon posts, with more to come. Subscribers, sales, and shares all desperately needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Finally, a beautiful warm day with almost no wind (until this evening; it's blowing somewhat again now, but we're indoors). Shorts and tank tops weather. I feel the cold much more since November, and the wind is harder on me than ever, so this? This can stick around for a while, please and thank you.

Speaking of sticking around for a while (knocks wood superstitiously), She-Wolf's had a couple of relatively good days. She tires easily and spends a lot of time sleeping, but when she's awake, she's more energetic than a few days ago, getting more exercise and just generally being more engaged in what's going on around her. I will be grateful for every single day like this she gets.

This week is going to be yet another crazybusy one. Also another one with the bill collectors hounding me relentlessly, so I need to get my monthly Patreon goal met (passed would be even better), and we need to make some sales. We spent the last few days helping out some folks who really needed it (and I mean really needed it, the kind of situation that literally, in the dictionary definition of that term, becomes life or death and where there's nowhere to turn). But this means 1) that Wings hasn't had any studio time to create new inventory, and 2) we're back behind the 8-ball on medical bills, and I really, really need to raise about $4K fast, because they truly are vultures. 

Speaking of the new Patreon, it's here, and there are three new posts up, two at the lowest level (one of which is a freebie accessible even to non-subscribers) and one at an intermediate level. There's a lot more in the pipeline, but this was all the time I had today for such things; I'll be uploading several more pieces over the next week or so. I still do need to get the rest of the way to goal if I'm going to have any hope of getting this stuff paid off in any kind of remotely reasonable timeframe (and At this rate that's still three years, FFS), so I'd be grateful is folks continued to share that link around, and if you've been contemplating subscribing, now would be a good time (you're not billed until May 1st). Thanks, everyone.

So here are all the links; please share them:
  • My new Patreon, The Interstices (Writing Between Worlds);
  • Wings's site, for sales;
  • Wings's direct PayPal link;
  • A way to buy me coffee (which actually goes to all of our medical bills, which continue to mount; another almost $400 for Wings this week);
  • Amazon wishlist, which mostly consists of supplies for She-Wolf;
  • Partial registry #1, from Bed, Bath and Beyond. There are new kitchen-y things on it now, stuff that I didn't realize we'd need to replace (either because the RV ruined it or because we gave it away when we had to downsize).
  • Partial registry #2, from Wayfair. There are some things left on both registries that I thought by now I might be able just to buy outright, but medical bills (mine and She-Wolf's both) have to come first.
Nothing's changed on the medical front: Several bad episodes over the last week, unfortunately. Lots of autoimmune pain, lots of chest pain, lots of difficulty breathing. I'm going to be slow. I'm also going to be unsociable, because it's taking all I have to get through the day in very practical literal terms right now, and I have a ton of incredibly stressful external demands on me. I won't be around much save for posts and links, and won't be checking in much otherwise; I'll be busy chasing sales and trying to keep the vultures at bay. I'll do my best to get everything posted on my Patreon as fast as I can. Much gratitude to all of you, and please continue to share the links.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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