Saturday, June 9, 2018

Attacked by a glass finial; 8 stitches and a big shiny new bill. Sales, subscribers, and shares all really needed again.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
All right, getting this out of the way relatively early. I'm typing one-handed for the next several days, so expect very little new text and a lot of cut-and-paste. Maybe my guy up there will give me a little of his power.

::Sigh:: I got attacked by a glass drapery-holdback finial last night just as I was about to go to bed. Eight stitches and a whole hell of a lot of blood and pain later, we got back home from the ER at 2 AM. No, I'm not entirely sure of the how; it happened so fast and it was so drastic. As best I can piece it together today, it went something like this: The drapes are light-blocking, and so really heavy. Those finials are seriously thin, fragile glass. [Yes, they're all in the trash now. Someday, when I win the lottery, I'll replace 'em with metal ones. Right now, that's the least of my worries.] When I shut the lefthand drape in my office, I think it whacked into the holdback hard enough to make it vibrate, because I distinctly recall this weird buzzing, vibrating sound, then a vague perception of something falling and shattering at my feet, then the realization that my left wrist was spurting blood everywhere. It was spurting so badly that we thought it had hit the artery; it had peeled back the dermis and the fascia and the tendon was exposed.

I was really lucky. The doc said that I came within a hair's-breadth or less of getting both the artery and the tendon. He also said I may have nicked the tendon slightly, but if so, not enough to do permanent damage. The connective tissue is another matter; that's kind of a mess, and it did slice the vein. It also got a bunch of what he termed "micronerves," so I've got a lot of numbness and tingling and nerve pain. You'd think the numbness might've helped, but noooooo; when he injected the lidocaine all around the gash, that thing hurt like a motherfucker. Wings was holding my free hand, and he said, "It's okay to swear, Aji, " and I said, "Shit, I just said, 'Fuck, that hurts.'" It was some extraordinary pain, and I don't ever want a repeat of it.

So, eight stitches and a pressure bandage later, and they send me home with a scrip for antibiotics but not a goddam thing for the pain, so I'm cranky as hell. Also, the near end opened up again this morning รก propos of absolutely nothing, but we took care of it. Snake medicine is the best styptic, and the best antimicrobial, known to Spirit or man (or woman) as far as we're concerned, so I dumped my tiny remaining stash on it and he rebandaged me. Everyone in the ER was really impressed with his bandage job last night, too; between us, we got the bleeding stopped entirely, and give the buckets that were spurting out like a fountain everywhere, that was no small feat.

Anyway. Can't use the hand AT ALL because of stitch placement and that tendon and the tendency of the whole thing to want to bleed. I'm right-handed, but it's amazing just how much I need my left, too, for, say dressing myself. Also there will be coming, very soon now, a brand- new shiny ER bill, and no, I have no idea how much, but obviously, I need to get my Patreon subscriptions up, and fast, and we need to make some sales. As to that last, I may have two new pairs of dangly ribbon turquoise earrings to post later today, and possibly a turtle pin tomorrow (fabulous emerald green Damele). So anyway, my klutziness has set us back yet again in a not-insignificant way, so please share the links:
For today, that's all I got. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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