Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Hawks, haze, heat. Numbness of various sorts. Sales and subscribers and shares all needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
He's coming around multiple times a day now, and is more willing to get relatively close to us. I'm guessing that the young ones have hatched, and his now having to feed multiple hungry mouths. Still, he's amazingly calm most of the time. I wish I had a little of his power and his sense of freedom.

I'm feeling really confined with my left wrist mostly immobilized. It's healing remarkably well, given the damage. I got both rings off this morning, with relatively little difficulty, so the swelling is continuing to diminish. The numbness, notsomuch. The pain, seemingly not at all, although I know it's simply a matter of giving it time. My frustration lies in the fact that I can't DO anything. It's especially irritating right now, because given all the medical expenses, Wings has had to lay off the high-school student who works helping him with the heavy-duty physical labor around this place that I can no longer do. I also didn't sleep last night, between the heat and my pain levels. This kind of numbing fatigue turns my brain to cotton batting. It also means the rest is cut-and-paste. 

Wings has several new pieces in the works, one of which, at least, I hope to be able to post later today. Given that a new ER bill will be coming down the pike this week, it would be really helpful to sell Wings's new work, and plenty of the existing work, too (especially since there's no end to the dunning on the existing ER bills). New Patreon subscriptions would help, too. So anyway, since my klutziness has set us back yet again in a not-insignificant way, please share the links:
For today, that's all I got. Also? Pray for rain. It's not ninety-six yet (unlike yesterday), but it will probably hit it, and we still have haze everywhere. So much for breathing.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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