Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hot and windy; no rain of any sort, but plenty of pain (and bill collectors). Sales, subscribers, and shares all very badly needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

We have a few odd cloud formations lately, in otherwise hot blue skies. The temps are brutal, and no rain in sight. Of any sort.

So let's make this quick, because my wrist and hand are in absolute agony. They gave me absolutely nothing for pain, and nerve pain is intense. I've been chasing sales for weeks to no avail, and I'm at the point where there's nothing left to do. Wings is bearing the full brunt of the physical labor because we can't afford his helper anymore; the truck is out of commission; and the medical bills keep piling up and I have nothing for them other than they'll get when they get it.

Between the constant physical pain and the stress that never give's me a moment's rest, I'm not sleeping, either. I am absolutely wiped out on all fronts, to from here on, it's cut-and-paste. We have GOT to make some sales.

So between the truck and Shade's and Raven's vet bills and my own ER bills, and the complete and utter lack of sales, things are getting to a breaking point. We need to make sales. It would be really helpful to sell Wings's new work, and plenty of the existing work, too (especially since there's no end to the dunning on the existing ER bills). New Patreon subscriptions would help, too. Please keep sharing the links; I have no diagnosis on the cardiorespiratory stuff, and I can't even schedule the next round of testing yet, so we need to get a handle on all of this:
It would be wonderful to sell all of Wings's new work, to say nothing of the existing inventory. But his new stuff is pretty special. Also, if all goes well, I may have more to post shortly — given the way this day is going, probably not today, but maybe tomorrow. It's beautiful work. So please spread the links around. A lot.  

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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