Sunday, June 10, 2018

New earrings by Wings! Also a new ER bill on the way, and I have the use of only one hand. Sales, subscribers, and shares all badly needed.

Photo copyright Wings, 2081;
all rights reserved.

Welp, no turtle pin yet, but the earrings are here! Just dropped today; Wings finished them off this morning. I would've had 'em up earlier, but 1) my sim card reader has died and the replacement won't be in until late this week at the earliest, so I had to have Wings take the shots with his phone and e- mail them to me; 2) IKT is so screwed up that it took hours for the photos to arrive in my inbox; and 3) I'm perforce doing everything one-handed, so photo editing and uploading and typing descriptions and doing this right now, FFS, is taking several times as long as it should. No idea what type of nerve damage I'll be looking at, nor weather it'll be temporary or permanent, but Wings made me a sling because the slightest, most feathery touch anywhere from upper arm to fingertips sets the nerves on fire.

Anyway, the earrings. The first pair, Ribbon Shirt, is shown above; you can find the full description here. The second pair is shown here:

Photo copyright Wings, 2081; all rights reserved.
This pair is A Braided Earth, and you can find their full description here. Both are
 made from some fabulously high-grade ribbon turquoise, clearly from the same deposit and cabbed into matched pairs, and the blue ribbons are so intense and brilliant they look almost opalescent.

Given that a new ER bill will be coming down the pike this week, it would be really helpful to sell 'em both (especially since there's no end to the dunning on the existing ER bills). New Patreon subscriptions would help, too. So anyway, since my klutziness has set us back yet again in a not-insignificant way, please share the links:
For today, that's all I got. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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