Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rain and wildflowers, in more ways than one. New work by Wings. And sales, subscribers, and shares much needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Photo from a few minutes ago, facing south-southwest. We've gotten a little rain, in fits and starts, but not much. We can only hope we get more before the evening is out. On the plus side, we've got a severe thunderstorm watch in place until 9PM, which might means something; on the minus side, the radar map shows everything going around us, as per usual anymore. No official updates on the fire, so no clue there; last reports still say over 30K acres and zero percent containment, and while I heard one prop plane early this morning, no aircraft of any sort since.

Whoops. And the rain just started up again. Hard this time. New wind direction suddenly: east-northeast. Sounds and feels like hail, but it's just really huge, really hard rain.

Two new pieces by Wings, just completed: the promised barrettes. I'll be using Wings's shots here; they appear as secondary views in the actual listings on the site. He's still playing around with his milling templates, but these are both quite fabulous. Especially ::ahem:: the lapis one. Here's that one, entitled, simply, Rain (click on the link in the name to see the full entry):

Photo copyright Wings, 2018; all rights reserved.

And here's the gold and green of Summer Wildflowers (again, click on the name for the full listing):

Photo copyright Wings, 2018; all rights reserved.

Also, I really need to double my Patreon subscriptions (dollar-wise) to get some of the stress that's also killing me off my shoulders. I've reset the goal accordingly; after all, there was another goddamn bill in the mailbox today from my hospitalizations. If I could get enough new people to subscribe to take the monthly total up to, say, $1,600, I'd be thrilled right now. Sales would help, too; in addition to the new barrettes, of the three new pairs of earrings I posted here yesterday, two are left, the lapis and the rose quartz. He also has other pieces in the works, but they won't be done before late in the week at the earliest. Also, the Patreon? If you pledge today, you're not billed for June until July 1st. Here are the links:
As always, I have more writing, more editing, and more general work to do, and I have to get back on it. Thank you to everyone. I know I owe replies to a bunch of you, and other stuff, too. I'm going to be late with everything, because just breathing is taking up so much time and effort these days that it puts me even more behind than I already am. I'm not really sleeping, and these rapid-fire weather changes are hell on my pain levels, to say nothing of what they, the pollen, and the smoke are doing to my breathing now. I'll try to have something new of at least minimal substance up at my Patreon by the end of tonight. For subscribers at $200 and above, I posted 2500+ words two nights ago. So many pieces in the works, and so little time to be able to get them finished, but I'm working on it.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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