Friday, June 8, 2018

Still looking for the light. Subscriptions, sales, and shares all needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

As I've noted elsewhere, some days are harder than others. This is one of the hard ones: The news about Tony Bourdain; what it means for those of us who fight similar battles; what it means in the context of being profoundly grateful not to have died suddenly seven months ago, and yet to be going through a day physically where I have to worry about it all over again.

I wrote some of this out in a new Patreon post. It speaks for itself, all stream of consciousness that it is. It does NOT require anyone's comments on it. I felt like it mattered enough to let other folks in similar straits know they're not alone that, instead of putting behind the Memoir-section paywall where it belongs, I've made it accessible to everyone, patron or no.

I also don't have it in me today for the rest of what usually goes into these posts, so I'm saying only two things: 1) We need to make sales and I'll have some new works by Wings in the upcoming days; and 2) I need to double my subscription amounts on my Patreon to be able to stave off the creditors even slightly, so it would be really helpful to have folks share the link around and endorse the content. Here are the links:
For today, that's all I got. Right now?  Still looking for the light.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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