Monday, June 18, 2018

Two new works by Wings! Raven is resting; $$, but less invasive. Sales, subscribers, and shares all badly needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Two all-new works by Wings have just dropped: both cuff bracelets, both beautiful, both offered at price points slightly lower than usual. The first, shown above, is The Day Star, and it's simply gorgeous — all that stunning freehand stampwork, topped off by a Sleeping beauty cab with its own freeform surface. You can read its full description here.

The second is another hand-milled cuff:

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
This one is called Horizon (read the description, and you'll see why), and unlike his other milled pieces, this one has a spectacular mirror finish. Its full description is here.

It would be great if we could sell these, given the two new vet bills and my own forthcoming ER bills (no, they haven't arrived yet, but there will be more than one; they bill everything separately). We got Raven back home before noon (thank heaven there was no one else there), after no small amount of trauma to the poor guy's pain receptors. I warned them to muzzle him before they started, and they took my advice; good thing, too, because otherwise at least I and probably everyone would've been bitten. It's not his fault; it's purely reactive, and he was in a lot of pain. The good news is that it wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it would turn out to be, either on the trauma-to-Raven front or the financial front. The deeper wound made it in just under a hair of not needing stitches. On a younger dog, Ted said he might stitch it up anyway, but given his age and the trauma and pain and the fact that it will, eventually, close on its own, he shaved it and cleaned it up thoroughly and sent us home with more Neosporin for the next 3-4 weeks, antibiotics, and a short run of pain meds for him. He's still sore, but everything's kicked in, and he's sleeping near my feet.

Still, the bill was three figures that was not remotely in the budget. Other stuff is getting delayed, obviously. And as I said yesterday, add to that the lack of business, the lack of tourism, the canceled powwow, and the economy in the tank, along with all the other terrible things, and then our medical bills on top of that? I don't have anything left in my brain to give over to more problems. I'm already living every day in panic mode from the bills, and that's destroying what little health I have left.

So we need to make sales. And I am out of time and out of patience with this one-handed typing nonsense, so the rest is mostly cut-and-paste. Given that a new ER bill will be coming down the pike this week, it would be really helpful to sell Wings's new work, and plenty of the existing work, too (especially since there's no end to the dunning on the existing ER bills). New Patreon subscriptions would help, too. So anyway, since my klutziness has set us back yet again in a not-insignificant way, please share the links:
It would be wonderful to sell these two; even better to sell them plus the other new items, to say nothing of the existing inventory. But his new stuff is pretty special. Please spread the links around. A lot.  

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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