Saturday, July 14, 2018

My boys. Very little rain, not a lot of potential for rain of any kind now. Sales needed, and subscribers and shares, too.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

My boys, one of whom is the namesake of yesterday's piece (and the other, its creator). We're both trying to spend extra time with him now, because he's so very, very lonely. He's going to need a companion somehow.

Precious little rain despite the monsoon season's arrival. Too often, the storms split and go around us entirely, or simply spin out. This has been the pattern fro three years now, worsening every year. Most of the people around here are not remotely equipped to deal with the reality of what's coming. Water wars are in no way a thing of the past.

Tourism is at what is likely an all-time low, too. We've had a couple of days over the last two weeks of massive traffic in town; turns out one day it was due to repairs, and another to a bad accident. Record drought; high heat and no rain; no powwow; problems with the Fiesta; national forest closures due to fire risk. It all adds up, and the result is that we're all going to be hurting very, very badly by year's end with no business. We need sales. I need time to work, and time to write. 

I'm still behind on my day-to-day stuff, on top of being extra behind from the time spent trying to save a horse and the amount that my injuries are slowing me down. To that end, I have to get back to it all, so it's just cut-and-paste from here on out. We very much, very badly need sales and new Patreon subscribers, and since this is early July, if you subscribe today, you won't be billed until August 1st. We have got to make some sales, though. Here are the links and a request to share them, because without those sales and subscribers, I honestly don't know how we get through this:
I had said that I'd really like to raise another $500 in subscriptions before July is out, just to have a little more to throw to the medical wolves that are constantly at my throat. That never ends, either, and the stress is not helping with the cardio stuff. Now, we've got a lot more that needs to be done, too, and I'm damned if I know how. The truck was more than enough to throw a wrench in the works (and that's still unfixed, for the most part, given that just the one part is more than $1,200, so . . . ), but this thing with Shade? Out of left field. And once you're in it, you have to keep going; there's no way out but forward, whatever the result. So please, please share the links. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and kind words and other help for Shade. I know she was better off for it, and I know she appreciated that.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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