Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sleepy girl. Still bossy, but bonding fast. Sales and subscribers and shares needed, too.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
Sleepy girl. She's apparently never had a soft spot to stand before, much less to lie down, and Miika's taking full advantage of all of it. She and Miskwaki are bonding fast, despite the ProPanel barrier; she may get snotty, but she doesn't like having him out of her sight. She's also increasingly bonded to US, always walking up to us and following us around. Still head-shy, but she let me pet her whole head through the fence this morning for the first time.

Like I said yesterday, I'm still not sleeping, and still dealing with jacked pain levels and repeated small episodes like what happened to me in November. I'm also not worth much in terms of anything physical, and having only one really functional hand makes me even less useful. All this puts me way behind, as always, so here comes the cut-and-paste. We very much, very badly need sales and new Patreon subscribers, and if you subscribe today, you won't be billed until August 1st. We have got to make some sales, though. This weekend is the Fiesta, and it's had . . . hmm, issues, as they say, as well. Powwow should've been last weekend, but was of course canceled with virtually no warning to anybody. Business is nonexistent all over town, and without those sales and subscribers, I honestly don't know how we get through this drought, both literal and metaphorical, with no tourist trade and not much else, either. Here are the links and a request to share them:
I had said that I'd really like to raise another $500 in subscriptions before July is out, just to have a little more to throw to the medical wolves that are constantly at my throat. That never ends, either, and the stress is not helping with the cardio stuff. Now, we've got a lot more that needs to be done, too, and I'm damned if I know how. The truck was more than enough to throw a wrench in the works (and that's still unfixed, for the most part, given that just the one part is more than $1,200, so . . . ), but this thing with Shade? Out of left field. And once you're in it, you have to keep going; there's no way out but forward, whatever the result. So please, please share the links. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and kind words and other help for Shade. I know she was better off for it, and I know she appreciated that. Miskwaki, too, and now his new girl, who never knew how good life could be until now.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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