Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A clean bill of health for Crow, but a canceled gas line removal. Sales and subscribers badly needed, and shares, too.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
Trickster side-eye. That's Crow in the back, a week ago, settled down for the evening not far from her still-feral brother, Cricket. Coy was in the doghouse, if memory serves. We got the little monster to the vet today, but not before she took off past the fence to the east; she sensed somehow that she was going to have have the leash put on, and she hates it. Still, we managed to get her (much heat and sweat and shortness of breath later, because it's 90 and fricking humid and the air is gray with smoke), and got her to here appointment on time. Jeff says as they are right now, the two little growths are nothing to worry about. Obviously, we monitor them, and if they change appreciably in any way, we bring her back in, but as they are now, he says it looks to him like nothing more than what some black dogs tend to get around the muzzle naturally. She's otherwise very healthy and happy, and she's out there gnawing blissfully on a buffalo bone (one of that wheelbarrow full Joe T brought over a few weeks ago).  

We postponed the plumbers; yes, they need to remove that gas line, but we need to be able to afford it, too, and right now, we have no idea what it's going to cost. The truck remains unfixed, and don't even ask me about the medical stuff; I'm so discouraged on that front, and there's nothing I can do about it. Today is a day not to venture out any more than I can help; between the humidity and the smoke, I'm gasping for breath, and dealing with Little Miss Monster Girl torqued my wrist a couple of times, so I'm not functioning overly well on any front. 

Now, since this has taken most of my concentration to get my shit together on this, here are our links. We very badly need to make sales, and I need to find additional subscribers, so please share them:
Thanks to everybody who e-mailed Patreon on my behalf, too. I appreciate y'all having my back.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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