Monday, August 6, 2018

Still eerie. Not dead yet. Sales, subscribers, and shares all needed, but another NDN woman also needs your help (link in post).

Still eerie. That was last night — a very late, quick, fast-moving storm that blew up while we saw stars blinking out the south windows. This one moved directly overhead, lightning arcing right over the house from north to south, thunder shaking all twenty-five acres of land. Yes, that's lightning; why do you ask?

Not dead yet, though. On the plus side, I did not wake up from having stopped breathing in my sleep last night. On the minus side, that was partly because Wings was too worried about watching over me to sleep well, and when he woke up and found me on my back, he woke me to turn onto my side (which makes a difference; no, not flat on my back, even with my head elevated somewhat, it still happens). Fortunately, he slept in a little this morning before we had to go run errands.

Which has wiped me out, and I'm too tired for much else, but before we get to the links, a request: Wings got a refund on a bill today, entirely unexpected, completely out of the blue. We got home, and one of the first things to hit my screen was a tweet from a Dakota mom of twins who's being hounded for rent money after the assistance she was supposed to get this month failed to materialize (and the realty-office letter contains threats of costly eviction proceedings). I know what that feels like, having spent pretty much my entire life poor and barely surviving. So before you scroll down to our links, here's her PayPal link for you: We put in $50, a good friend matched that, and if fourteen more of you match it, her rent's covered for this month. 

Now, since this has taken most of my concentration to get my shit together on this, here are our links; pleases share them:
Thanks to everybody who e-mailed Patreon on my behalf, too. I appreciate y'all having my back.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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