Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Still no delivery, but more complications. A lot more smoke, too. Sales, subscribers, and shares all badly needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

So this week seems to be replicating last week. Woke up sometime before three with another massive migraine, although this time I managed to avoid last week's, erm, extra complications (but still too blind to write well or easily). This one is both mechanical (like last week's, a product of my neck injuries) AND a product of the wall of smoke that filled last night's western sky. That up there was early, before dark, that dark blue-gray at the bottom stretched halfway up from the horizon. Sore, swollen throat and congested nasal passages today, too, along, of course, with all the lung problems I've come to expect since last November. We're also still waiting on the propane delivery, with more complications yet; the question is whether it's their tank or the water heater or what. Still waiting for management . . . and it's all going to cost.

So. Sales. Sales, salesSALES. We need them badly. We can't do this kind of outlay without juggling and shifting and otherwise delaying elsewhere. And none of that even begins to get at what I'm dealing with (and will be for a very, very long time yet). We managed to pay outright on the medical stuff (because we had no choice; it's all cash on the barrelhead), but this leaves us seriously short. So please share the links, because we really need to bring in a lot more to make it through the rest of the season, forget the rest of the year:
That all I've got. My entire existence is focused around chasing sales to pay medical and other) bills, and it's not going well.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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