Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sunset in the east; October in August. Sales, subscribers, and shares all very much needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 201; all rights reserved.

Yesterday evening. There seemed to be more sunset in the east than in the west. That's usually a manifestation of October weather, by the way. October will probably be here next week, given the rate at which the cottonwoods across the road are turning.

Not particularly smoky here today, but you wouldn't know it from my breathing lately. Life is distinctly uncomfortable physically now, and the stress isn't helping. tomorrow, the plumbers are supposed to be here to remove the old gas line to the RV, which will no doubt cost a fortune we don't have, but it has to be done for safety's sake. Also tomorrow Crow goes to the vet to get those growths checked out; I'm hoping it's nothing, but a 7- to 8-month-old puppy shouldn't have such things in the first place, much less developing so fast.

And the truck remains unfixed, and so every time Wings takes it into the feed store or the hardware store for supplies (as he did a while ago), I'm on pins and needles until he's home safely. Don't even ask me about the medical stuff; I'm so discouraged on that front, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Now, since this has taken most of my concentration to get my shit together on this, here are our links; please share them:
Thanks to everybody who e-mailed Patreon on my behalf, too. I appreciate y'all having my back.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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