Monday, September 3, 2018

A little rain with last night's front at last. Nothing new or useful on the medical front, unfortunately. Sales, subscribers, and shares all needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

All that rain yesterday? Passed us by, wave after wave of it. Fortunately, one storm moved in around 9 PM and that settled into a nice steady rain for a while. Today looks to be more of the same, clouds at dawn, sun now, and storm clouds already building up all around the horizon that may or may not deliver anything to us. 

I've been having a really hard time, health-wise, since Saturday. More of the scary stuff, with no answers and nothing to be done about it, of course, except wait it out and hope and pray for the best. Also, Labor Day? Not here. There's no end to the work, even if I'm a lot slower and less productive now. Between the two, I have to get back to it, so the rest is cut-and-paste. Nothing's changed since yesterday anyway.

This year has been terrible on so many levels, and the drought has been a disaster in many ways beyond the obvious one. It's killed so much of the tourism that now keeps Native artists here afloat. Sales continue to decline; every year is worse than the last, and I always think it can't get worse but it does. We need to continue to make sales, and I need to hit my subscriber goal on Patreon. The medical bills aren't going away any time soon, nor all the usual bills, and we still have so much to do to get the houser ready for winter. Last year was, everyone hopes, an aberration in terms of the lack of cold and snow; this year is supposed to be back to normal temps (and hopefully snowfall too), and since I am not in and out of the hospital at the moment (which last year shoved everything to the background until it was too late), we have to get this done. In part, we hope, to help continue to keep me out of the hospital this year.

There are a lot of ways to help out. First, obviously, is sales; purchases of Wings's work (and/or work by the other artists whose art we carry) is always the first option, and it was the baseline for the construction in the first place. Second is subscribing to my Patreon page, which gets updated regularly with really cool imagery and a good amount of really good writing; if you now for September, you won't be billed until October 1st. Below there's also a link for "coffee," which allows folks to make small donations, and a couple of wishlists for keeping the animals in kibble and filling out needs around the house. In the middle is the link to Wings's PayPal account, and no, I won't turn away any donations, because we have to get this done and I have to have some peace of mind over it because I have none over my own survival these days). The only fundraising we'll be doing is right here; nowhere else. So here are all the links; please share them around, and if you are able to purchase, subscribe, donate, whatever, we'd be profoundly grateful:
That all I've got. I'm going to be back under the gun for the next several weeks. Thanks to everyone in advance. And special thanks to one person; you know who you are, and you know why.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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