Sunday, September 16, 2018

Indignation. Breathing uncooperative. Sales, subscribers, and shares all needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
Such indignation. She can't be trusted outside yet, though. And don't ask me how she knew I was there; she was looking away from me when I walked out onto the upper deck, and I was both silent enough and far enough away that she couldn't have heard me, yet she instantly turned and demanded that I FIX THIS. She also, later on, displayed a few colicky symptoms, probably a result of the tiny apples Wings gave them both. Miskwaki has a virtually cast-iron stomach, but Miika's never had anything like them before. And when she started posturing, he tried to catch her to put a rope on her so we could administer Banamine.

Needless to say, she wasn't having any.

So I took the cap off the Banamine (it's apple-flavored) and held it out. She's so nosy curious about every single thing that she ambled right up to me. I let her sniff it, let her mouth it, stuck it under her lip so she could taste the residue on the end. She was a little wigged still and moved away, but she liked the taste. So I opened the dial and held it out again, and she came back up to me . . . and SURPRISE! I shoved it in her mouth and pushed the plunger. She didn't much like the gooey texture, but it did the job. All without benefit of halter or rope. None of the other horses have ever been willing to do that.

That was, though, my one big activity for yesterday, aside from making a chicken vegetable stew in the crock pot for dinner. My body is decidedly uncooperative with such simple things as breathing these days, and as I said yesterday, this weekend is fraught, and I'm already way behind. That's nothing new — my health and medical issues guarantee that — but the days are getting shorter fast, and the medical bills and other expenses keep piling up hard and fast. And since I necessarily bear most of that psychological burden, all it does is raise my fatigue to an unholy level, and my breathing issues, too. Anyway, the whole thing wears me out physically, mentally, and every other way, so the rest is cut-and-paste.

There are a lot of ways to help out. First, obviously, is sales; purchases of Wings's work (and/or work by the other artists whose art we carry) is always the first option, and it was the baseline for the construction in the first place. [And next week will be their last, most likely, because he don't have the cash to pay them beyond that for the labor — and right now, it's virtually all labor.] Second is subscribing to my Patreon page, which gets updated regularly with really cool imagery and a good amount of really good writing; if you now for September, you won't be billed until October 1st. Below there's also a link for "coffee," which allows folks to make small donations, and a couple of wishlists for keeping the animals in kibble and filling out needs around the house. In the middle is the link to Wings's PayPal account, and no, I won't turn away any donations, because we have to get this done and I have to have some peace of mind over it because I have none over my own survival these days). The only fundraising we'll be doing is right here; nowhere else. So here are all the links; please share them around, and if you are able to purchase, subscribe, donate, whatever, we'd be profoundly grateful:
That all I've got. I'm going to be back under the gun for the next several weeks. Thanks to everyone in advance. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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