Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Spheres and sunsets; trickster winds and other terrors. Sales, shares, and subscribers all needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
Spheres and sunsets: last night's planet and crescent moon, from the deck.  You'll be able to see them, even though they're tiny, if you click on the photo. 

Fully fall, and yet hot; supposed to hit 82+ again today. Lots of sudden spiraling winds, the kind that will blast the doors open and suck them back shot after knocking everything off the windowsills. Chamisa and other things still blooming, which is not helping my breathing; I stopped breathing in my asleep again last night, and woke up in terror again. I hate this, and there's apparently nothing I can do to stop it, at least for now, especially with the medical bills already being what they are. Anyway, this kind of thing wears me out physically, mentally, and every other way, so the rest is cut-and-paste.

There are a lot of ways to help out. First, obviously, is sales; purchases of Wings's work (and/or work by the other artists whose art we carry) is always the first option, and it was the baseline for the construction in the first place. Second is subscribing to my Patreon page, which gets updated regularly with really cool imagery and a good amount of really good writing; if you now for September, you won't be billed until October 1st. Below there's also a link for "coffee," which allows folks to make small donations, and a couple of wishlists for keeping the animals in kibble and filling out needs around the house. In the middle is the link to Wings's PayPal account, and no, I won't turn away any donations, because we have to get this done and I have to have some peace of mind over it because I have none over my own survival these days). The only fundraising we'll be doing is right here; nowhere else. So here are all the links; please share them around, and if you are able to purchase, subscribe, donate, whatever, we'd be profoundly grateful:
That all I've got. I'm going to be back under the gun for the next several weeks. Thanks to everyone in advance. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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