Friday, October 19, 2018

Dog gods. Too bad they can't pay the bills. Sales and subscribers and shares all desperately needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
Wild dog channeling ancient Egyptian cat deity. That was yesterday; she still reeked faintly of skunk. Now they all do; apparently a skunk keeps trying to move in under the deck at night to take shelter from the cold, and the dogs are having none of it. So, naturally, they all reek. At least they haven't been as filthy from the pig pit or whatever it was they were going to dig. Blue did manage to lose her coat during one of those excursions, probably snagged on barbed wire and then lost completely in the pit. At least she's got the insulated doghouse, and she's making full use of it.

A lot on tap for today, and once I finish my viral links, I will likely be offline until late in the day, or even early evening. So much to do, so little time, so few resources. As I said yesterday, Wings has more earrings in the works, although I doubt they'll be done before tomorrow or Sunday. I'll post them as soon as they drop; Spirit knows we need sales now, desperately. Repairs on both vehicles are paid, as well as a bunch of other stuff that needed to be paid now, and we squeezed out a little to help his clan brother out with heat. But the tax bill is going to haunt us for a very long time to come, to say nothing of the five figures' worth of medical bills remaining, and I have to send in something substantial on the latter, and soon. Like I said yesterday, I am exhausted, physically, mentally, and every other way, with the rapid-fire weather changes playing hell with my autoimmune disease and with my breathing issues (the cold is back, and so is my shortness of breath, in a very big way), so the rest is cut-and-paste.

I've been saying that I don't see a way to claw us out of this hole. I still don't. And it's hard to think when illness fogs your brain as badly as it does mine. There's nothing I can do right now except what I've done my whole life, which it just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I have to make some sales, I have to find a way to bring in major amounts right now, and I don't know how, but I've got to get work trying. Wings has new work out, two brand-new pairs of earrings, and they're fabulous. It would be a small start.

We need sales, badly. Never moreso, frankly. What follows are links that are a means of helping a little bit. I am sick, body, mind, heart, and spirit, and there's no room for anything else:
Please share the links. We're now officially into holiday order season, because commissions take time, so if you're planning on holiday gifts, please keep Wings's work in mind. And given what we're up against, we won't turn away donations, either, because we simply can't afford it.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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