Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A rough week.

Photo copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved.

Here, have another shot of the pretty girl. Yesterday was absolute trash, so much so that I haven't even bothered to download yesterday's photos. I was in bed by 7:30 last night.

Yes, they did the blood draw. No, I don't have the biopsy referral yet; I have a follow-up tomorrow, and it bloody well better be ready by then, because as I said yesterday, after what I now know is 15 full months of this having been ignored, I have to worry about running out of time. It's all the more acute given how sick I've been feeling lately in new and unpleasant ways, including yesterday morning. The changeable weather isn't helping, ratcheting up my autoimmune pain to unmanageable levels, and if the forecast is right, that's only going to get worse over the next three days, with winds in excess of 40 MPH and gusts over 60 mph projected. It's already a rough week, and going to get a lot rougher.

So we've got more big outlays coming up, one not-insignificant one tomorrow, and very, very much bigger ones very soon. As I've also said, we were fortunate to have squirreled away funds to cover this at the moment, but it's barely February; there's a lot of year ahead of us. If it is cancer, the costs are going to skyrocket very fast, and we have no way of paying for it, and neither of us cares; we're doing this. Determination is the word; with Wings's help, I'm going to beat whatever it is. So much fear intertwined with all of this, and no end in sight. We need sales. Badly. All this stuff is piling up fast and I have to get us through the whole year, not just the next two weeks, so please share the links (or use them, if anyone's so inclined):
All we want, to be able to have some confidence in making it through the whole year with whatever they're going to find going wrong in my body, is to make some sales. That's it: sales; nothing else. But I haven't been able to make even that happen, and the stress is telling. Good vibes for Raven are still welcome (he's still hanging with us, and I need him to be safe while we're out). But I could use some, too. We all could also use some help with sharing Wings's site (and testimonials, if you got 'em). Thanks.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2019; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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